MMA resin flooring

Full Broadcast System

The Degafloor Full Broadcast (FB) System is an incredibly robust methyl methacrylate (MMA) slip-resistant resin flooring, specifically designed for busy areas where slip hazards are a constant risk.

Slip-resistant resin flooring system

The Degafloor Full Broadcast (FB) System is an incredibly robust methyl methacrylate (MMA) slip-resistant resin flooring, specifically designed for busy areas where slip hazards are a constant risk.

The FB System combines the durability and longevity of MMA resin with unrivalled slip-resistance and grip, created through a broadcast of coloured quartz aggregate. It’s an ideal specification for highly trafficked areas such as food and drink production areas and commercial kitchens which are regularly exposed to liquids, oils, fats and powders causing slippery surfaces.